Thursday, June 7, 2012

How To Give Your Customers What They Want

The coffee is ready. The inbox is bursting with unanswered emails. There’s two phone calls to return, and the kids need someone to drive them to baseball practice.  Only then, can you begin with today’s official order of business.
It’s no secret that small business owners are defensive of their time. So when marketers are telling them that they need to be utilizing social media and blogging in order to increase their business revenues, their posture is a little understandable.

Your Customers Crave Conversation

            No one wants to be spammed. That’s the bottom line. If all you do is try and sell to them, they will see right through that and walk away.  Instead, they’re looking for a likeable resource.
            If you can continuously prove your worth and your value while being likeable and friendly, in the long run, you’ll win. How do you do this? Provide them with helpful content through your blogging platform and social media. In the long run, they'll thank you for it. 

Find The Time To Blog About Your Business

            It’s possible to come up with a good blog post in about 30 minutes. Sharing an article that you find interesting, or interacting with another’s post only takes a matter of seconds.
            These are the things that will accumulate more business. It may not happen right away, but somewhere down the road, new jobs will start to add up as you meet more people online. Just keep at it.
            I’ve recently picked up a few jobs from LinkedIn and Twitter. It’s about knowing how to use these tools in a social way, and taking full advantage of what’s in front of you.
Know What You Want To Do Then Do It

            Remember all those projections you made about your business? It’s the small and daily tasks (like blogging and social media) that add up to your monthly totals. You don’t get there simply by thinking big. You have to produce quality marketing content. Period. 
            It may take waking up a half hour early. There are programs out there that will block your social media and email notifications for a given time, so that you are better able to use that window productively. Shut the office door. Use headphones. But come out with something concrete. You’ll be happier for your efforts. 


  1. Social media is basically networking, and you make good points about it here, Matt.

    Plus, you have good social media habits. You share content, and you're consistent. Plus, you make an effort to interact with others--not just simply shout out your stuff.

    You do an especially good job on your Twitter account. I included it as a backlink here so that people can check it for themselves. (Matt really does a good job with this!)
