Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New iPhone Sounds Plain Awesome

The recent Blackberry outage could not have happened at a worse time. The company is in imminent danger of being passed by. Only days before the iPhone 4s release, I’m sure there are customers prepared to head straight to the Apple store.

Yes, the outage is over now. No, it is not the sole reason I’m buying a new phone the day I become eligible. It sure made the decision easier, though.

Two years ago Blackberry seemed the perfect fit. It got me used to portable email, and updating Facebook and Twitter on the go. A lot has happened since then, however. iPhones. Droids. Touch phones. For me, I have to go with the newer, sexier and just plain better.

I’ve been counting down the days (19) until my contract runs out. I’ve had my eye on the iPhone 4s since Apple announced it. With Siri, it sounds just plain awesome.

You can give the phone a voice command, and the phone does the rest. Send a text. What’s the weather outside? Where’s the closest pizza restaurant? What’s the closest store that carries Advil? The phone handles the details and gives you the answer.

To me, it sounds like the game is changing again. It’s a matter of time before small businesses need to crack the algorithms for its search. Social will eventually play a heavy part in this. Pretty soon you’ll get your Pizza restaurants back not only in order of closest to you, but also in order of highest favorable Yelp reviews.

The possibilities are endless and the game is changing again. I’m excited to get my new phone. It won’t be Friday, but it will be soon.

1 comment:

  1. where is the download link ?
    i want to download for my iphon with other tones.
