Friday, December 16, 2011

The Importance of Good Copywriting

Say for a second that you found the perfect job opportunity and wanted to apply. Your skill set matched the description they offered, the contact for the position seems like the perfect boss, and all things are a go.

As you prepare to send out your resume and cover letter, you discover a glaring grammatical error. You wouldn’t send it out without correcting it, would you? Not if you were hoping to position yourself ideally for the job that you found.

It’s the same thing preparing your businesses marketing materials. Think of clients and customers as potential employers. The level of commitment in the relationship may not be quite as high, but their standards for hiring you, or becoming a customer, are just as high. The importance of good copywriting is that your customers will hinge their decision on what you present.

This may mean hiring a copywriter. Be honest with yourself if you need to. It’s a wise investment. When you write your website copy, blogs, and social media posts, you are representing your business to your customers.

One misuse of the word it’s could spell doom. Spell check does not work magic. It can’t figure out what you meant to say.

The Importance of Good Copywriting

Your customers will look at your marketing materials and evaluate the level of effort that you put in. If they look sloppy, it is easy for them to jump to (possibly) incorrect conclusions.

It’s best to represent your business as professionally as possible. A lot of work went in to designing the rest of your website. Make sure the same care goes into the written work.

Without all of these aspects your website won’t work to the level that it should.

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