Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Marketing

A goal without a plan is a dream. I wish I could take credit for that line, but I saw it on a client’s Facebook page.

My client runs a gym, and the phrase came as part of a fitness related graphic, but works well for business as well. Now is the time where people and business owners develop all sorts of resolutions in the New Year.

Maybe you are looking to increase sales, broaden your client base or expand your business in any number of ways. What you really want to do is get more specific with these plans.

If your goal is to make X amount of money, how many clients would that take? Where would you find these clients? You’ll need to ramp up your marketing efforts. Maybe you should be looking to increase the size of your Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook networks. At the same time, you should probably be reaching out to more people to develop new relationships within these networks.

It might mean taking a fresh look at your website copy, or developing a brochure that explains your services. Maybe you should be doing more with an email campaign.

It all depends on the goals that you have set for 2012 and what you hope to see accomplished. Do not be one of those people who fizzle out come February, however. Keep that plan strong, and take the steps that are necessary to make sure that your goals are more than just a dream.

If you need help with your marketing materials, contact me today!

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