Monday, November 14, 2011

Keeping Track of Your Time

I will start out with a little note about myself, here. I’m the type of person that if I don’t have a clear sense of purpose for what I’m supposed to be doing at the moment, it’s easy to derail my concentration.

Maybe I got on Facebook to send somebody a message. All of a sudden there’s a status about the Bears game that I have to comment on. Then somebody commented about the album I’m listening to on Spotify, which happens to be one of my favorites as well.

It looks like somebody just posted a blog about the top 10 songs from this week in 1995, and pretty soon an hour’s gone by and I haven’t done what I originally intended to do.

That kind of thing happens to me all the time. So, I like to organize my time, and make sure a certain set of things must get done on a given day. Maybe I need to reach out to five different business owners to see if they need my services.

Maybe I need to reply to a series of followers on my Twitter account to engage with them. Maybe it’s being active in a LinkedIn group. Whatever the case may be, each of these areas can be a time suck, if you’re not doing precisely what needs to be done. So, I try and remind myself of that electronically.

I’m curious, what are the best electronic organizational methods that people have used? There are so many products out there, and honestly, I’m finding myself scattered between a few different methods right now.

It’s safe to say you no longer necessary to carry a book around with you. With smart phones, it’s all in one place. I still rely pretty heavily on Google Calendar myself. Over the weekend, I set up the meetings, and events I have scheduled for the upcoming week.

If there are phone calls that need to be made, I put those in the calendar too. The nice thing is, you’ll get the reminder emails to help you keep track of the daily tasks.

With the iPhone 4s, there are more options available. I find myself setting voice reminders through Siri. That’s a good way to remember that you have calls you need to return, or that you have a meeting at 3 p.m. It does seem a little less structured, however.

I’m also using the notes app to help me to remember to do certain things. I still am notified for everything I need to have done, but it seems less structured, and through more apps.

I’m just wondering what other people do to organize their time?

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