There’s no shortage of material written about Pinterest. In
the United States, the photo-intensive platform is largely dedicated to arts
and crafts-type pictures. Don’t be misled however. This site can do wonders for
your traffic, helping you to strengthen your business.
One peek into your analytics should bring a delightful
surprise. Just the other day I took a more in-depth look into my analytics and
noticed that Pinterest drove more traffic than any other social media platform
by a long shot. It surprised me.
Pinterest does account for more referral traffic than Google
Plus, Youtube and LinkedIn combined, according to Business Insider. Now, traffic
does not equate to customers. But assuming you have a well functioning website
in place, traffic sure helps.
There are a wide variety of categories people can pin
website content to on the site. Chances are, there’s a way for your business to
take advantage there.
So the question from here, becomes…
How To Make Your
Content Pinterest Friendly?
Think Visually
Pictures drive the site. If somebody pins your blog post,
you don’t want an outdated, out of focus shot to be the first thing that they
Having multiple photographs on a blog post offers the pinner
choice. Photographs that pertain to the subject of your blog, and offer a good
visual representation are also important.
Are you Photoshop inclined? A well-produced graphic could
also make strong Pinterest fodder.
Make It Easier
First off you have to write strong content. It needs to be
something worth sharing. You can also add a Pin It button to make sharing a
little easier. There are plenty of tutorials on the Internet for adding it to
your specific type of blogging platform. If you’re on Blogger like me, I found
this tutorial on adding the Pinterest button helpful.
The bottom line is not to ignore this new network. If you
spend a little bit of time with it, it could pay huge dividends for you.
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